
CHAKRA provides a forum for presenting a range of perspectives on the (East) Indian presence in the Caribbean, and the wider Indian Diaspora. It also provides a medium for presenting voice and visibility to writers who (would) have been marginalized by the mainstream press. Some of the works crusade against social injustice, exclusion, and oppression; others stimulate a sense of cultural pride in a people. The objective, generally, is to provide facts and opinions to enable readers to receive new ideas, engage in rational discussions and make informed decisions.

Chakra fulfils the need of those who want to read about race relations and ethnicity by writers who focus on a minority group in the Caribbean. The product is a series of culturally relevant texts, reasonably priced, innovatively marketed, and well distributed. The books are sold through our website on the internet, in West Indian/Caribbean bookshops at home and abroad, and in our mobile booth at social and academic functions. The circulation of some of our 20 titles number reaches individuals, colleges, libraries and organizations worldwide.